
"He who is not courageous enough to take risk will accomplish nothing in life." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Warm up

Med ball complex


3 reps of 75% 1 rep max shoulder press
on the minute for 7 minutes

REST 3 minutes

6x3 banded back squats@ 185#
rest 45 seconds beetwen sets

REST 4 minutes

4 Rounds (not for time)

5 thursters@ 145#
15 ghd

All of our boot camp folks are doing great!! Keep up the hard work; make an eight week comittment that will jumpstart a healthier more complete way of life. I'm super proud of all of you.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Warm up
foam roll
burenger warm up

10 power snatch
20 ring push ups
5 power snatch
10 ring push ups
5 power snatch
10 ring push ups
10 power snatch
20 ring push

3+ hours later

1k repeats on rower( 3 1k rows)
rest 2 minutes between rows

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Weekend


Bike approximately 30 minutes out@ 85% back in@ 90% (about 15 miles)

21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

SDLHP(75, 55)
push press(75,,55)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Warm up

hip mobility
good mornings


30 reps for time
135# clean&jerk

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"- Martin Luther King Jr.

It is easy to settle for what you know and what has become routine. Going through the daily grind, being okay with eating the number 5 from Mickey D's because is is convenient, just getting through a workout because it is not comfortable to push harder and get outside that comfort zone and dominate a workout. I challenge you to push beyond the pain become uncomfortable, buck the convenience of fast food. If you can't control how your respond to a challenging workout or control what you put in your mouth are you really in control? Be in charge of your daily routine as Steve says "PUT A STAMP ON IT". Take life by the horns and hold on for the ride because LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


...rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character hope. And hope does not dissapoint us because God has poured out his love...(Romans 5:3-5)

Whenever times get tough and you wonder why things are happening the way they are remember that tough times builds character and prepares us for our future. Stay positive and be strong.


foam roll
jump rope


20 toes2bars(t2b)
10 doubleunders(du)
15 t2b
20 du
10 t2b
30 du
5 t2b
40 du

We started boot camp today and had a ton of athletes take the first step to a healthier lifestyle. You all killed it today. Keep up the hard work and remember RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED THEY ARE EARNED!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010



Row 8000m

We had a great showing today, several people set PR's in Fight Gone Bad. Great job Guys!!! JDW also has lost 20 lbs and counting. Everyone keep the hard work up and fight through these hot August days. Remember to hydrate.

Saturday, August 21, 2010



Bike approximately 30 miles (from gateway to Samurall and back)



10 chest to bar pull ups
5 push press@ 95# (behind the head)
5 overhead squats@ 95#
10 box jumps@ 24"

Friday, August 20, 2010

Time to get 70's BIG...sorta

Warm up

jump rope
hip/shoulder mobility
foam roll


5,5,5,4,4(weighted pull ups)
rest 2 minutes
4,3,3,2,1,1,1 (deadlifts)
rest 2 minutes

A1 clapping push upsX 5
A2 power cleans@ 60% 1rmX4

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do you workout...or do you train

Today was a much needed rest day. We will be back hard at work tomorrow.

I was talking with a couple of friends today and they were asking what the difference between VSC and other gyms were. Instead of going into some in depth comparison of gyms I simply told them that we don't work out at VSC we train. At first they looked at me kind of confused and said athletes train, people work out then I explained the difference between "training" and "working out." We train at VSC and everyone is an athlete. So the question is do you train or do you simply work out.

Here is an article to help you decide.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bringing the Wood

Warm up
jump rope 10 minutes
5 wall walks
3 minutes hollow rock and superman ( alternate between the two exercises)


21, 15, 9

Front Squat@ 115#
ring dips
box jumps@ 30"


Tabata mile( sprint 20 seconds walk 10 seconds; repeat this until the mile is completed)

9 o'clock ladies doing WORK!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A little Cardio... Anyone?

Endurance Day

Row 3k

1500m row(all out)
rest 1 minute
1500m row (all out)

Planned on biking today but the weather had other plans.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ladies and Gentleman We have a Ninja in the House

Zach Metz broke his board to move up a belt in Karate. Way to go Zach keep up the hard work!!!

Warm up

Hip mobility


6 Rounds

10 ring rows

5 hspu

5 good mornings@ 95#

10 burpees

6 hours later....

60 sec on/ 120 sec off


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hump Day

Warm up

shoulder mobility


5x5 weighted ring dips
rest 180 seconds between sets

tabata ghd sit ups
rest 1 minute
tabata back extension
(20 seconds of work/ 10 seconds of rest)
4 minutes each

Rest 3 hours

Tabata airdyne(bike)
(20 seconds of work/ 10 seconds of rest)
8 minutes

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wrap Your Head Around It


Row Baby Row

Warm up

practice handstands, muscle ups, or whatever else you need to perfect


Row 15 minutes( cover as many meters as possible)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Just another Manic Monday


hip mobility


4 Rounds

25 abmat situps
15 wall balls@ 20#
10 squat cleans@ 45#

5 hours later...

run 8 minutes rest 2 minutes run 8 minutes
