
"He who is not courageous enough to take risk will accomplish nothing in life." Muhammad Ali

Monday, January 31, 2011

And It Begins

We started a new Boot Camp tonight and everyone killed it. Keep it up!! Remember the 80/20 rule. Now for what we did

5:45 class


ab circuit

6:45 class

10 rounds

5 push ups
10 sit ups
15 squats

Airdyne and planks


bike/run/row 45min

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


-6:00 class

rowing, thrusters, burpees

-7:00 class



250m row x10( rest 3x's as long as your 250m sprint)


-7:00 class

upper body and ab circuit


Do main board WOD

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Race is on


-Warm up


Teams of Three

-1500m row as team



10 ball slams

10 burpees

(only one team member working at each station)


5 rounds

1 minute on 2 minutes off (row/bike)

Friday, January 21, 2011

And it's Friday


-warm up

-7:00 class

-arm and ab ciruit


Do main board WOD (see steves muslce palace)


-warm up

-6:00 class

ring rows
ball slams
(complete designated number of reps at each station as a team)


20 minutes steady state cardio (your choice biking, rowing, or running)


-warm up


50-40-30-20-10-10-20-30-40-50 calorie biking/rowing
(rest as long as it takes to complete interval; i.e. 2 minutes for 50 calories 2 minutes rest)

Remember our next Boot Camp begins January 31st limited spots available. DO NOT MISS OUT!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Warm up

300 jump rope

10 push up
10 squats

6:00 Boot Camp

3 Rounds
(1 min at each station)
-box step ups
-sit ups
- jumping jacks
-push ups

Ab Circuit

7:00 Boot Camp

Burpee Boxjumps

2000m row relay


3x 1000m row
(rest 3 min between rows; do not deviate more than 10 seconds on each row)

Monday, January 17, 2011


Warm up

300 jump ropes
500m row



kbs and db thrusters
(to be done with a partner. You work, partner rest)

12 min amrap
5 push ups
10 situps
(to be done with a partner. You work, partner rest)

5 min abs

8 rounds
30 sec on 20 sec off (rower or airdyne bike)

-the 30 seconds on should be all out efforts

Reminder we are starting our Valentine Boot camp on January 31st on Monday and Wednesdays at 5:45 pm. If you are interested or know anyone who is email me at michaelkfrierson@gmail.com There are limited spots available.

Here is an article that may help with time management, or at least keeping your sanity.


Friday, January 14, 2011


So its been a little bit since the last post. I know, I know I need to get on it. Well I promise we are here for the long haul. I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years and encourage all to be a better you in 2011. Set goals for yourself, tell someone, and be accountable for those goals. No goal is to big or for that matter to small, but please make specific goals that are measurable. A good example of this is I want to loose 20 pounds by March 14th. A bad example is I want to lose weight. See the difference? So make your goal for 2011 known, measurable, and stick to it. Some goals can be attained easily some will take more work and that's ok. JUST DON'T GIVE UP! NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!

Here is a little food for thought that Jeri stumbled upon. It's never too late.
