
"He who is not courageous enough to take risk will accomplish nothing in life." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Operation 70's BIG



2 max set of pull ups

A1 Bent over row 3x10
A2 Power clean 3x6

2 max set ups of weighted pull ups


5x3 weighted box jumps 42" box/ 20# vest
3x8 FFE lunges
3x10 RDL

Ab circuit

Thursday, October 14, 2010


70's BIG

4x15 dumbbell bench

A1 3x8 weighted pull ups
A2 3x10 band pulls

B1 3x6 shoulder press
B2 3x 10 lat raise

C1 3x10 clean shrugs
C2 3x10 barbell curls

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Can you tri?

Hey guys I know its been a little while. We had several members of the gym participate in the local Mighty Magnolia Tri this past Saturday and the smashed yet. GREAT JOB guys and gals. Now that the tri is over it is time to get 70's big. Over the next couple of months I will prescribe to a strength program and cut back on the endurance part of my program, so if you are looking to put on some muscle and increase strength then jump on the train and lets ride.


3x5 bench
2 sets max pull ups

A1 3x10 bent over row
A2 3x5 hang power clean

2 sets max weighted push ups


42" box jumps 8x3
FFE weighted lunges 3x8
RDL 3x8
Toes to bar 3x15
